What Is a Smart Home?

Technology is slowly seeping into every part of our lives, and the intelligent homes of yesteryear movies are coming to life worldwide. When you think of a smart home, you probably imagine walking in the door and talking to your house, and while this may seem futuristic, it’s now a reality. So what exactly is a smart home? Let’s find out!

What is a smart home?

Domotics is the correct term, a mashup of automatic domiciles. In other words, a smart home takes technology to the next level and allows you to control different aspects of your home from a central hub. Depending on your setup, you might have a touch screen, voice control, or an app on your phone that you use as an interface.

What can you control?

New products are consistently hitting the market, but a fully stocked smart home has impressive capabilities. Here is a list of what is currently available:

  • Thermostat
  • Fridge
  • Alarm system
  • Garage
  • Lighting
  • Lock system
  • Window shades
  • Entertainment
  • Doorbell
  • Washers and dryers
  • Pet and baby care

How does it work?

Depending on the setup, your home can either be hardwired or equipped with Bluetooth for maximum efficiency. Many companies offer various products, allowing you to seamlessly upgrade each aspect of your home on the same system. However, the use of Bluetooth and a mobile phone enable homeowners to pick and choose which part of the system they want to purchase from various companies.

What are the benefits of a smart home?

If you often forget to lock your front door, make a grocery list, or deal with high electricity bills, having a smart home can simplify a lot of your issues. You can check to see what you need from the grocery store by asking your fridge or set your thermostat to engage when you are ten minutes from home. The lock function can ensure that when your phone walks out the door, it locks behind you, or when you approach, it’s open and ready for entry.

If you’re in the middle of cooking a meal and need a recipe or wish to listen to music, you can simply call out using the device’s specific name, and it will respond. One of the most extraordinary things about having a smart home is they’re made to learn your habits. You can set it and forget and live life in comfort. It can also alert you to any issues you might be having within the home.

What are the downsides of a smart home?

There are a few things you need to be aware of before purchasing every smart home device your heart desires. If you’ve never heard the term “abandonware” before, you want to research it now thoroughly. Upgrading to a smart home can be very pricey, and if you choose a company that isn’t well known, you might end up unable to use any of the equipment later on if the company closes down. Also, smart homes are just as vulnerable to hacking as any other device that’s connected to the internet, so you want to be sure you have adequate firewalls in place to keep this from happening.